Best of the Best 2019
Best of the Best Five Year Club

Brown Spot Treatment

Treatment Of Brown Spots Depends On The Type:

Lentigines or Age Spots

These are flat, smooth light brown spots or blotches found on sun-exposed areas like your cheeks, hands, and legs. They are best treated with the Astanza 532 Laser Treatment.

Seborrheic Keratoses

These are raised, soft ‘tumors’ that start to form on our body and face in adulthood. They are best treated with focal, high-strength chemical peeling or cryo-therapy.


Melasma is a difficult condition of abnormal brown pigmentation on the face that is related to hormones and pregnancy. Treatment requires a combination approach with prescription-strength creams and lasers.

Moles or Nevi

Moles usually form in the first two decades of our lives. They go deep into the skin and are best treated with surgical shaving or excision.


A Note About Melanoma
If you have a pigmented growth that is changing size and color or evolving in any way, please contact our office for a skin check to rule out melanoma.

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The Astanza laser emits an intense beam of light that is directed toward your pigment. Lesions such as brown age spots or brown birthmarks absorb the laser energy much more than the normal skin. This lets the laser remove these blotches without harming your surrounding skin.

Our physician or physician assistant will use the laser hand piece to pulse over the spots. Your treatment time depends on the number and size of lesions that you have to be treated. A single small brown mark takes only a few seconds. Treating many spots on the hands or face can take up to thirty minutes.

You may experience mild discomfort or a hot tingle with each treatment. Numbing creams are rarely necessary. Within a few minutes your treated areas may become mildly sensitive or itchy. You can put an ice pack on the area for a few minutes to minimize discomfort.

The areas that are treated will turn white immediately. Within minutes, the white color changes to red and then a red-violet thin crust forms.

These crusts fall off in a few days on the face, but can last about two weeks on the arms and longer on the legs. A slight pink discoloration under the crust remains and fades slowly over one to three months depending on the site.

Many patients get great results after one treatment. If your spots are especially stubborn, you can come in for a touch-up treatment a month later. Birthmarks are less predictable, but usually require two to three treatments.

Results can last for years, but recurrence is always possible.

  • Minimize sun exposure, especially midday sun. If you have to go out in the sun, be sure to wear a sunscreen with both UVA and UVB filters
  • Wear protective clothing when you go outdoors
  • Use of topical creams containing 4% hydroquinone are helpful during the summer months and can lighten any brown spots that might appear
  • What other risks should I be aware of?
  • Hyperpigmentation (darkening) and hypopigmentation (lightening) of the skin are possible and depend on your natural pigment. The risk is less than five percent for lighter skin patients; darker skinned patients are more likely to have adverse reactions
  • Bleeding, infection, and scarring are very rare
  • As with any medical or surgical treatment, unforeseen consequences are always possible.
  • Pretreatment use of rejuvenating products such as alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids will help the thin crusts shed faster
  • Start laser treatments when your skin is at its palest to minimize the risk of pigment abnormalities
  • Bleaching creams with hydroquinone can help reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation

*Medicine is not an exact science and individual results may vary.

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Your skin will have a more even complexion and look less dark and spotty. Just one Astanza® 532 laser treatment can remove the majority of brown spots and hyperpigmentation.

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